Standard Strength Alnico Magnet Lifts 2 lbf. Solid Steel
SIZE: 2 7/16″ X 3/8″ Hexagon Plastic
Heavy Duty Bead Steel Chain ATTACHED at no extra cost.
Colors: Fire Red, Royal Blue, Jet Black, Bright Green, Day-Glo Orange, Purple, or Assorted Colors.
NO SETUP CHARGE for Imprint Information for first 2 panels. Each additional panel imprint is $.12 each.
Up to 22 Letters & Spaces on each line in Bold.
Up to 27 Letters & Spaces on each line in Regular.
Up to 32 Letters & Spaces on each line in Condensed.
150-249 = $2.64 each
250-499 = $2.45 each
500-999 = $2.39 each
1000-2499 = $2.27 each
2500-4999 = $2.06 each
5000 > = $1.99 each
•Free DEEP stamp imprinting and Free setup
•Free chains fully assembled and each magnet
•Free shipping with all credit card and pre-pay orders over $500.00 to the USA and Canada (see shipping policy)
•Each magnet is sealed in its own air-tight bag, ensuring it’s clean and free of scratches.
•Guaranteed permanent magnetic strength – Lifetime!
•Guaranteed against magnet body & cap separation
•Guaranteed against body breakage for 3 years